Making the world a better place
Corporate social responsibility
The Warner Adams Foundation for Corporate Social Responsibility founded the Global Corp Foundation Ethics Board to ensure that GCWCI’s ever-expanding programs meet our standard of excellence and promote the benevolent vision of our founders. In every aspect, thorough and meaningful oversight reinforces strict and professional business protocol in our strategic work environment. The board of ethical standards and practices oversees the industry level environmentally sustainable practices and monitors a global social justice framework so that our programs meet predetermined operational parameters of accountability.
We consistently align corporate policies and practices to meet the highest standards of integrity and transparency. GCWCI actively participates in the public policy-making process to achieve economically, environmentally and socially sustainable outcomes for our business. We foster resilient communities through a range of direct and indirect community engagement, including local small business sourcing, coordinated employee volunteerism, as well as philanthropic giving. We believe that giving back to the community is an important part of corporate social responsibility.
As a leading multinational business entity, we recognize that our community is global in scale. As such, our commitment to building a more vibrant community applies worldwide. Engagement with these responsibilities requires a holistic approach, and the groundwork for implementing sound community responsibilities starts with developing an internal community of professional personnel. We cultivate an inclusive workforce that is committed to mutual respect and empowerment. The GCWCI family reflects diversity across multiple dimensions including culture, ethnicity, gender, race, perspective, age, religion, species, physical ability, astrological sign, and gender expression and identity.
Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children suffering from long-term medical hair loss. Most of the children helped by this program have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The Global Corp World Com International Executive Committee on Philanthropic Giving has decided to turn the focus of the company’s charitable body to this pressing issue. Select members of the board have elected to participate, and they have encouraged employees who feel moved to action to contribute, at any length possible, to this worthy cause. Locks of Love will use the donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics to meet the unique needs of these disadvantaged youth. Participating GCWCI board members, pictured above, embody the selflessness legacy of our organization. The prostheses provided by their follicular generosity will help to restore children’s self-esteem and confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers.

Our high standards for ethical practice, corporate governance, and performance excellence distinguish our contributions to multinational corporate development and synergy. We define sustainability as fostering purpose-driven innovation, integrity, and long-term economic balance to preserve the environment, strengthen communities, and propel responsible growth.
At GCWCI, we internalize personal responsibility and instill institutional values at the organizational level to systematically reduce carbon emissions, energy use, landfill waste, and water use through effective operational management and planning. Our Sustainable Business Unit goals and targets meet the same standards of interagency compliance and management scrutiny as other company directives.
To further develop and consolidate the core competencies of our sustainable business initiatives, we partner with our supply chain linkages to minimize adverse environmental impacts and promote human rights, public health, and ethical behavior to drive responsible growth and raise standards across the board. We created a community garden to show our support for these principles and to signal our commitment to the ethical responsibilities entrusted to us by our global partners.

Arts & culture
The GCWCI Family Endowment for the Arts, as the primary fiduciary entity and chief institutional curator of the Swarthmore Gallery of Contemporary Art, is proud to announce a new permanent exhibit: ‘Il’ by Alexander Jean-Baptiste. Created in 2012, this masterful retrospective on the life and times of former North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il presents a daunting exposition chronicling one man’s odyssey through the mind of a emotionally sensitive and delicate authoritarian figure. The exhibit will showcase Jean-Baptiste's masterful use of color and imagery to capture the complexities and contradictions of Kim's personality, life, and regime. It will also explore the personal and political impact of his political journey on those around him. This exhibit is a must-see for anyone interested in art, history, and the human experience.

For science
As a truly global organization, Global is committed to the cause of promoting robust scientific research to advance technology and promote efficient value-capture. Scientific breakthroughs throughout history represent monumental achievements of the human mind. In the global marketplace of ideas, the commodification of these ideas has enabled us over the years to capitalize on fundamental linkages of innovation.
At the same time, non-science growth has grown just as much, if not more, than science-based growth alone. The signals are clear. The condition of the world today increasingly warrants the dual pursuit of science and non- science. To this end, Global manages the highly respected International Journal of Science and Non-Science.